Saturday, November 26, 2011

Winter Tryout Schedules

Boys Basketball Tryout Schedule

Monday 11/28
1:50pm-3:50pm Freshmen last name A-M
3:15pm-5:15pm Freshmen last name N-Z & Sophomores
who did not play JV or Varsity last year
5:00pm-7:30pm Grades 11/12 and Sophomores who
played varsity of JV last year

Tue 11/29
1:50pm-3:50pm Freshmen last name N-Z
3:15pm-5:15pm Freshmen last name A-M & Sophomores
who did not play JV or Varsity last year
5:00pm-7:30pm Grades 11/12 and Sophomores who
played varsity of JV last year

Weds 11/30
1:50pm-3:50pm Freshmen
3:15pm-5:15pm Sophomores and selected freshmen &
selected Juniors
5:00pm-7:30pm Grades 11/12 and Sophomores who
played varsity of JV last year
(Varsity final cuts will be made after Weds practice, JV and Freshmen will have first cuts)

Thursday 1:50pm-3:50pm Freshmen
3:30pm-5:30pm JV
5:15pm-7:30pm VARSITY
Girls Basketball

***Freshman at 1:45 in gym practice 2:00 - 4:00 ish.
***Grades 10,11,& 12 meet in art room at 3:45 Tryouts in gym 4:00 - 7:30 ish

1:50pm-4pm Monday in the gym

Boys Ice Hockey
Mon 220pm Rockland Rink - all grades
Tues 220pm The Bog
Wed jv 445am Rockland Rink
Wed varsity 220pm Rockland Rink
Girls Ice Hockey

Monday, November 28, 2011 6:40pm Randolph Ice Arena
Tuesday, November, 29, 2011 7:40pm Randolph Ice Arena
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 3:50pm Hobomock Arena
Team Meeting all players (no cuts) Thursday, December, 1, 2011 2:30pm Hobomock Arena.
Girls Winter Track
Practice every day at 2:10, the first day the team will meet in the health room at 2:00


Boys’ Indoor Track 2011-2012

Practices will begin at 2:20 daily with one earlier practice on Tuesdays at 1:50. For the first week all practices will begin at 2:20. Students will be encouraged to receive extra help, work on assignments in the library or to come to my room (326) to work on homework prior to practice. Eventually I will also use this time to review video from the Hudl program with smaller segments of the team. We will meet as a team in room 326 at the start of practice for the first week.

Practice will take place at a variety of work stations based upon what the team and coaching staff wish to accomplish and the weather. All typical stations have been listed below.

Work Stations:
The track, shot put circle, long jump pits, high jump area (usually covered in snow by the first week) The road (distance and mid distance routes) Parking lot areas (measured with the distance wheel) Gym space Weight room Indoor Track Classroom (analyzing film from HJ, LJ, and SP or info session) Hanson Middle School

For the first week of practice the weight room will be used daily. The track will be the hub for speed and endurance training on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as well as introductory field event activities also taking place in the same general area at the HJ, LJ, and ShotPut zones. On Tuesday and Thursday, distance runners will be on the road and the rest of the team will be either at the weight room or track area. On Saturday a jump workout will be held at 8:45 at Hanson Middle to accommodate HJ and LJ. Then a practice for all other athletes will be held at the high school at 10:30 with the weight room, track, and road all being used as work stations. This general flow will continue throughout the season with the indoor track also being used for sprinters, hurdlers, jumpers, relay work, and team warmup as needed.

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