Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Emergency Response Plan

 Every Whitman-Hanson coach and student-athlete should be familiar with these procedures in the event of an emergency.

Whitman-Hanson Medical Emergency Response  

1)      Every Whitman-Hanson coach must be CPR/AED certified.
2)      Every team, including players and coaches, should practice an emergency response drill at least once per season.  Random teams will be selected to go through a surprise emergency drill to test how effective we would be in the case of an actual emergency.
3)      During outside events, the AED is located in the halftime building in the garage portion under the big sign that says AED.  During an inside event, the AED’s are located: outside the nurse’s office, outside the cafeteria and just outside the walking track.
4)      Coaches make sure there is always a working cell phone at the field during any athletic practice, game or event.

Steps to Take in the Event of a Major Medical Emergency
1)      One adult, preferably the coach or trainer, immediately assumes control and makes sure everyone knows he/she is in charge.  He/she is the only leader.
2)      The leader immediately does the following:
a.       Assign a specific person to call 911 or if you have preprogrammed (781) 294-8081 (this is the direct number to Hanson emergency dispatch) into your phone you can use that.  This person must be responsible and be sure they give specific information to dispatch.
                                                              i.      What happened/what is wrong
                                                            ii.      Where you are specifically located
                                                          iii.      Age of victim
b.      Assign a specific person to get the trainer
c.       Assign a specific person to get the AED
d.      Do not move the victim but check for signs of breathing.  Perform CPR as required until AED is delivered or delegate someone to perform CPR.  Once the AED is delivered, it is applied to the victim and used according to training.
3)      From the rest of the group, one person take charge and become the captain to make sure:
a.       Two people go to each of the entrances of the school to direct the ambulance to the right spot.
b.      One person makes sure all gates and obstructions are removes so the Emergency Medical Personnel can gain access to the victim.
c.       One CPR certified person stays with the victim and the leader (who is currently performing CPR) to provide relief when the leader gets tired.
d.      One person does crowd control and gets everyone else away from the scene.

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