Wednesday, April 1, 2020


These are difficult  times for everyone but in particular for our spring athletes who have worked so hard to prepare  for this season. Rest assured, we will do everything possible to salvage as much of the season as possible. The Patriot League Athletic Directors have been meeting (virtually) on a regular basis and we have plans in place to return to action the day we return to school.  As of  now, the MIAA has placed the new start date as May 4th which will allow for a 12 game regular season and then some form of post season tournament.  The plan would have us ending no later than June 27th.

In the meantime, students are encouraged to stay physically active while maintaining physical distancing. It is important that all students stick with the recommendations set forth  regarding avoiding contact with others outside of your home.  This is for their safety and for everyone else as well.

Seniors are asked to look at their email and reply to the questionnaire I sent on Wednesday.  Our plan is to put together a senior athletic yearbook.  We would like everyone to be included regardless of how many years you participated.

Finally, School Counseling Director Ruth Carrigan and I held a college search seminar on Tuesday which was geared to the student athlete.  Please reach out to me if you need any  help in the process.   If you missed the presentation and would like some of the resources we distributed please let me know.

Stay safe and I hope to see you all very soon.

Coach Rodgers

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